# 개발환경

  • WindowsXP or Windows 7 필요

# 하드웨어

ARM Debugger : 

BLE400 + nRF51822 + ARM Debugger 조합으로 개발 가능.

# 개발 참고자료

# 드라이버 및 프로그램 다운로드

CP2102 Driver

nRFgo Studio v1.14 or higher versions

nRF51 SDK (nRF51822 DK, EK 는 nRF51SDK v6.x.x, v5.x.x 사용)

Keil MDK-ARM Lite v4.54 or higher versions

J-Link Software v4.52b or higher versions

# SDK 설치 과정

  • Install Keil MDK-ARM (v4.54 or higher version) and J-Link for Windows.
  • Install nRF51 SDK from the path of Software\nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_xxxxx.msi; please make sure KeilMDK-ARM option is selected.
  • It is notice that if there are installation errors of SDK, please download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
  • Install nRFgo Studio (nrfgostudio_win-32_1.15.1_installer.msi for a 32-bit system, and nrfgostudio_win-64_1.15.1_installer.msi for a 64-bit system).

개발관련 링크모음 페이지

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