Comparing Jodatime (2.9.2) and ThreeTenABP (1.0.3) , the latter has a significantly lower method count. Jodatime has 4713 methods and ThreeTenABP has 2827 methods (debug apk).
Joda time
DateTime dt =; int jd = dt.getDayOfMonth(); int jm = dt.getMonthOfYear(); int jy = dt.getYear(); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : "+ dt.toString()); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : [day: "+jd+"] [month: "+jm+"] [year: "+jy+"]"); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : [day: "+dt.dayOfWeek().getAsText()+"] [month: "+dt.monthOfYear().getAsText()+"] [year: "+dt.year().getAsText()+"]"); dt.withYear(2000); dt.plusHours(2); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : "+dt.toString()); String frenchShortName = dt.monthOfYear().getAsShortText(Locale.FRENCH); boolean isLeapYear = dt.year().isLeap(); DateTime rounded = dt.dayOfMonth().roundFloorCopy(); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : [french Short: "+frenchShortName+"] [leapyear: "+isLeapYear+"] [rounded: "+rounded+"]"); dt = new DateTime(2005, 3, 26, 12, 0, 0, 0); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : "+ dt.toString()); DateTime plusPeriod =; Log.d(TAG,"Joda : +1day "+ plusPeriod.toString()); DateTime plusDuration = Duration(24L*60L*60L*1000L)); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : +24h "+ plusDuration.toString()); DateTime today =; DateTime yesterday = today.minusDays(1); Hours diff = Hours.hoursBetween(today,yesterday); Log.d(TAG,"Joda : hours between "+ diff.getHours());
LocalDateTime ldt =; int ld = ldt.getDayOfMonth(); int lm = ldt.getMonthValue(); int ly = ldt.getYear(); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : "+ldt.toString()); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : [day: "+ld+"] [month: "+lm+"] [year: "+ly+"]"); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : [day: "+ldt.getDayOfWeek().name()+"] [month: "+ldt.getMonth().name()+"] [year: "+ldt.getYear()+"]"); ldt.withYear(2000); ldt.plusHours(2); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : " +ldt.toString()); String frenchShortName = ldt.getMonth().getDisplayName(TextStyle.SHORT, Locale.FRENCH); boolean isLeapYear = false; // could not find a matching function LocalDateTime rounded = ldt.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : [french Short: "+frenchShortName+"] [leapyear: "+isLeapYear+"] [rounded: "+rounded+"]"); ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2005, 3, 26, 12, 0, 0, 0); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : "+ ldt.toString()); LocalDateTime plusPeriod = ldt.plusDays(1); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : +1day: "+ plusPeriod.toString()); LocalDateTime plusDuration =, ChronoUnit.HOURS); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : +24h : "+ plusDuration.toString()); LocalDateTime today =; LocalDateTime yesterday = today.minusDays(1); org.threeten.bp.Duration diff = org.threeten.bp.Duration.between(today, yesterday); Log.d(TAG,"3ten : hours between "+ diff.toHours());
참고 : ThreeTenABP – 서버 시간에 맞추는 방법